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Woodchurch High School
Neston High School
Fender Primary School
Ridgeway High School
Wirral Local Authority
St. John's Primary School
Hilbre High School
Devonshire Park Primary School
Oldershaw High School


The Horizons Educational Commitment

The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students is at the heart of our curriculum and the wider Horizons approach. 

All teaching at our school is designed to incorporate a 17-point SMSC criteria, which is fully embedded into our topic-based learning programme.

This includes: fundamental British values; use of creativity and imagination in learning; understanding the rule of law; and socialising with peers.

In addition, we regularly offer social learning- and life skills-based activities, assemblies, guest visits, and school trips. We also have a robust social, emotional, and mental health programme run by dedicated SEMH staff.

You can find more information on our SEMH and RSE policies here.

ALL TEACHING AT HORIZONS EDUCATION takes into account the following protected characteristics and pupils must be taught that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone based on the following factors:

Gender reassignment
Being married or in a civil partnership
Being pregnant or on maternity leave


Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

Religion or belief
Sexual orientation

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